Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why sticky notes?

Kim and Lori have been friends since 1991, when by sheer luck we lived next door to one another in our college dorm. Among the things that made us friends was a shared love of reading. The origin of Sticky Note Reviews comes from Kim’s mom, Deb, who used to send Kim care packages of books she’d read, a single sticky note attached to the cover.

Good sex, it might say. (True story.)

Or Fast read. Or Thought you might like this. Or whatever Deb had come away with, distilled into just a few words.

Our goal isn’t to dismiss any book with a few words. In fact, you’ll see that we skew toward positive reviews. There’s a reason for that. We just want to pass along a few recommendations. Taste in reading is tricky; we don’t always agree. But we hope a few words about the books we enjoy will help you find some new authors or encourage you to pick up a title you’ve always wanted to read.

We thought you might like this.

Lori & Kim

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins